Real Interest Rates: A “Perfect Storm” for Fixed Income Investors

Driven largely by the lack of real interest rates, bond investors are faced with a “Perfect Storm,” resulting in historically low interest rates with real interest rates explaining the largest part of the problem. This paper will discuss this environment.

Value Oriented Bond Management

Equity investors can be categorized into a broad range of equity strategies, including valuation-based approaches, whereas bond investors generally think in terms of interest rates and duration management.

Bond Briefing – Part II

Over the last decade the concept of behavioral finance has received increased recognition in both the academic world and with investors. Modern Portfolio Theory makes three distinct assumptions:

Interest Rate Outlook – “Old Normal”

Contrary to a popular belief that interest rates are destined to rise significantly, at ICON we believe we may be re-entering the “old normal” where the U.S. Treasury 10-year yield remains between 2%-4% for an extended period of time.