Our U.S. Income portfolio seems to be handling this market downturn very well. The U.S. Income portfolio’s combination of bonds, utilities & dividend oriented equities is very important to us, the secret sauce if you will.

Corporate Buy Backs

The activity of public corporations repurchasing previously issued shares has become a topic of controversy lately as two U.S. senators have proposed…

Monetary Policy: Neutral or Normal?

T-Bills are generally considered to be risk-free investments. An investor knows what the return will be over the short holding period, and the bills are backed by the full taxation power of the U.S. Federal Government.

Everybody’s Talkin’

The purpose of this article is to help remind financial advisers and their investors of the power of long-term investing and the potential cost of investor fear.

China Green Policies could Influence Companies in the Emerging Markets

China’s focus on green policies and the rise of eCommerce have influenced paper companies’ rise to value within the ICON system. Portfolio Managers Scott Snyder and Rob Young discuss these influences and their potential effects going forward.

Top 15 Reasons Why Investors Have Missed the Bull Market

From the recession bottom March 9, 2009, through May 26, 2017, the S&P 1500 Index has gained 332.1%, meaning $1.00 invested in the index and held over that period would have grown to $4.32.

Bond Bubble?

We have heard a lot of chatter recently regarding the corporate bond market. In particular, we are hearing concerns about the amount of debt companies are taking on and their ability to honor their obligations.

Portfolio Manager Q&A: The Energy Sector

Give us some perspective on recent oil prices. Oil prices reached their highs for 2014 on June 19th, as the spot price for Brent crude topped out at $115.06 per barrel. Since then, oil has struggled, declining 75.56%, to a low of $26.21 per barrel on February, 11 2016.

I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?

Give us some perspective on recent oil prices. Oil prices reached their highs for 2014 on June 19th, as the spot price for Brent crude topped out at $115.06 per barrel. Since then, oil has struggled, declining 75.56%, to a low of $26.21 per barrel on February, 11 2016.