ICON Strategy Based Investing Portfolios (SBIPs)
What is Strategy Based Investing
Strategy Based Investing (SBI) is a system which classifies money managers by strategy. As defined by the SBI methodology, strategy is the manner in which a fund manager goes about analyzing, buying, and selling stocks. The SBI system identifies and categorizes managers into ten distinct strategies.
The SBI Portfolios buy and hold what we believe to be the best strategies and the most strategy-consistent managers in those strategies. ICON’s SBI Portfolios use funds with high ratings in strategies that have performed among the best since 1980 to build the Portfolios. Each ICON SBI Portfolio utilizes a Strategic element with a Tactical overlay.
The Strategic portion of the Portfolios is diversified among the top performing domestic and international strategies over the long-term (dating back to 1980) according to the SBI methodology. Each portfolio has a different allocation to fixed income determined by its relative risk profile. For example, the SBI Global Conservative Portfolio will generally invest a greater portion of assets in fixed income funds than the SBI Global Moderate Portfolio would. The Tactical portion of the Portfolios is allocated to the best performing strategy over the short-term (12-month rolling data). This segment will typically hold two high rated funds in the identified strategy. The Market Barometer (MB) aids in determining whether the funds selected will be domestic, international, or cash for defensive purposes.
For more on SBI Strategy overview click here. Read more below about the three ICON SBI Portfolios, each with a different risk/return profile.
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Strategy Based Investing (SBI) is a system which classifies money managers by strategy. At ICON, we believe that money managers use specific strategies to analyze, buy, and sell stocks. Over time, certain strategies lead and lag. Click below to learn more Strategy Based Investing, strategic methodologies and year-over-year performance.
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SBIPs Available to Investors
Global Growth
Model Portfolio
Generally, growth portfolios utilize mutual funds with a greater exposure to equity investments relative to other ICON-managed portfolios, resulting in what ICON considers a higher risk of loss than a more conservative ICON-managed portfolio.
Model Fact Sheet
Global Moderate
Model Portfolio
Generally, moderate portfolios invest in mutual funds with equity investments as well as mutual funds with fixed income investments, to increase, in ICON’s view, the importance of capital preservation relative to an ICON-managed growth portfolio.
Model Fact Sheet
Global Conservative
Model Portfolio
Generally, conservative portfolios seek to preserve an investment portfolio’s value by investing in mutual funds with a higher exposure to fixed income investments and a smaller allocation to funds with equity investments relative to an ICON-managed growth or moderate portfolio.
Model Fact Sheet
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ICON Advisers, Inc.
8480 E Orchard Road, Suite 1200
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Investing in securities involves inherent risks, including the risk that you can lose the value of your investment. There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful results.
Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and share classes of each ICON Fund carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the Funds; please read the prospectus and carefully before investing. RFS Partners, Distributor.
ICON Funds are offered only to U.S. citizens or residents of the U.S., and the information on this website is intended only for such persons. Nothing on this website should be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell shares of any ICON Fund in any jurisdiction where the offer or solicitation would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.
ICON Advisers, Inc. is the sub-adviser to the ICON Funds. RFS Partners is the distributor of the ICON Funds.