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Top 15 Reasons Why Investors Have Missed the Bull Market
From the recession bottom March 9, 2009, through May 26, 2017, the S&P 1500 Index has gained 332.1%, meaning $1.00 invested in the index and held over that period would have grown to $4.32.
Bank Profitability and Interest Rates
Contrary to more common opinions, we believe that Financials stocks’ profitability can be independent of interest rates, even in low rate environments.
Deficiencies of P/E in Predicting Returns
Throughout the nearly eight-year stock market advance from the recession low of March 2009 through the record highs of March 2017, we have seen some analysts caution investors with regard to owning stocks.
Limited Resources How Passive Investing Interferes with Our Free Market System
Each country has to decide how to allocate its resources; land, labor and capital. Given these resources are limited, they are precious and need to be allocated in an efficient manner.
Bond Bubble?
We have heard a lot of chatter recently regarding the corporate bond market. In particular, we are hearing concerns about the amount of debt companies are taking on and their ability to honor their obligations.