ICON Mutual Funds
Access ICON’s exclusive valuation model with a line-up of mutual funds designed to help advisers and their clients achieve a wide range of investment goals.
- Blended Sector Funds
- Diversified Equity Funds
- Fixed Income Fund
ICON Tactical Allocation Portfolios (ITAPs)
Introduce investors to the ITAPs and take advantage of ICON’s tactical, sector rotation system using the combined of the power of our best proprietary Funds.
- Domestic Portfolios
- International Portfolios
- Global Portfolios
Strategy Based Model Portfolios (SBIPs)
Choose ICON SBIPs, portfolios utilizing research founded in behavioral finance to provide access to only the top performing strategic funds.
- Global Growth Portfolio
- Global Moderate Portfolio
- Global Conservative Portfolio
Broker Check
Use BrokerCheck, hosted by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), to check the background of your investment professional.
Literature and Forms
Access ICON prospectuses, annual reports, fund fact sheets, forms and more here.
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Tax Center
Find all tax-related ICON Fund information here.
ICON’s value-based investing model is an analytical, quantitative approach to investing that employs various factors, including projected earnings growth estimates and bond yields, in an effort to determine whether securities are over- or underpriced relative to ICON’s estimates of their intrinsic value. ICON’s value approach involves forward-looking statements and assumptions based on judgments and projections that are neither predictive nor guarantees of future results. Value readings are contingent on several variables including, without limitation, earnings, growth estimates, interest rates and overall market conditions. Although valuation readings serve as guidelines for our investment decisions, we retain the discretion to buy and sell securities that fall beyond these guidelines as needed. Value investing involves risks and uncertainties and does not guarantee better performance or lower costs than other investment methodologies